The rushing about external Javed Akhtar and Shabana Azmi’s farmhouse in Khandala has expanded as Farhan Akhtar and Shibani Dandekar’s wedding visitors started to show up. Wearing the flower topic clothing types, a few visitors were spotted by the paps outside the wedding scene. Ritesh Sidhwani was seen showing up in necktie clothing for Farhan and Shibani’s wedding. He waved to the paps as he sat inside his vehicle. The lady’s sister Anusha Dandekar likewise was seen showing up in a white lehenga.
Anusha was halted external the setting by the paps. She brought down her vehicle’s window glass and was papped. She was seen clad in a white lehenga with flower work everywhere. Prior, Shibani had dropped a brief look at her red high heels as she stated, “Let’s Get it done” in front of strolling down the path for her wedding with Farhan. According to a report, visitors expected at the wedding incorporate Gaurav Kapoor, Samir Kochar, Monica Dogra, Gaurav Kapoor, and Rhea Chakraborty.
While different visitors likewise were snapped showing up in flower-themed clothing for the wedding. According to a report, a few has composed their own pledges and will say those to one another at the wedding. Keeping things very private and relaxed, Farhan and Shibani have welcomed just dear loved ones. Just yesterday, a video of the Team lady moving to the tunes of Mehendi Lagake Rakhna became a web sensation. Shibani was seen rooting for her crew at the Mehendi service.
Presently, everyone is focused on the delightful couple who will be limited by marriage today within the sight of all their friends and family at Javed and Shabana’s farmhouse.